A couple of years ago, we also took a class about quilting on smaller machines, by not engaging the foot. Well, this blows that class out of the water. Granted, the project I completed from the first class was a lot of fun, but my machine is just no equal to this beauty:
This machine is at a cute quilt shop in Tacoma called Calico Threads.
Taking the quilting class has definitely renewed my passion for quilting. I have just completed the quilt from oh... a class I took in 2011ish for quilting. It was a lot of fun to make, but really time-intensive. It was one of those projects where I just had to force myself to finish it.
This quilt is a fun technique where you just start sewing new pieces onto the main piece of fabric as over-sewing, so it can have really random edges and curves. It was a lot of fun to do, and somehow in the process of making it, a bird started appearing. After I realized the bird was there, the rest of the quilt started to take shape. I started where the lower of the birds is and added a second bird. It turned into a great wall hanging that will soon be hanging for all to see.
While my next quilt will be from a pattern, this quilt catered to my more abstract tendencies. Now all I have to do is finish the quilt from today... whee!